Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Christmas Tree Carol - BY ABBY

Hi, I'm Abby. We helped Kati & Vern this week at a Christmas Tree stand. It was so fun. Me and my Daddy drilled the Christmas trees holes so they could get onto the stands. And, I got to help deliver the Christmas trees to people's cars. Also, I sharpied my dog Christmas colors. My friends helped me to sharpie my dog. My mommy and I, Miss Kati, Zoe, me (and maybe even Auvi) had a Christmas tree fashion show. We dressed up in Christmas trees and put ribbons on our hineys! We didn't have any power while we were there and we had to use the gererator. We couldn't watch any TV (all because of the stupid generator). But the only thing that was the worst was that we had to buy 5 gallons of water to use for dishes cause we were out of water.

Me and Zoe made a little Christmas tree and it's in our camper right this second. Also, I wanted to make a Christmas windchime, but I couldn't because we didn't have enough time because Kati & Vern's friends (Steve & Bryce) were coming over. I had a lot of fun with Steve and Bryce's kids. They usually stay out until 1 in the morning, but now they just stayed until 1 minute till 8pm cause they had borrowed their cousin's car and had to get it back. Our parents wrapped us up in the tree netter. We had millions and killions and jillions of fun!

Me and my mommy and one of my little friends, Winston, made popcorn. He has red hair like my brother! He was 4 years old. Me and Winston had a lot fun- in fact, I think he was the only friend I played with all day long!



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