Tuesday, April 15, 2008

School & Work

It's hard to believe that the winter is almost over and that camping season starts in just a few weeks. Even though kindergarten is technically suppose to start until this fall, Abby has pretty much completed the K-Program. She has developed a real love of learning and we are always looking up new things on the internet. Her latest sustained interest is in space (triggered directly by the space shuttle launch in February). She loves to hear all sorts of books about space and is very interested in learning about the planets, stars, and galaxies. Lately our bedtime stories have been non-fiction facts right out of the encyclopedia about space -- so much for Goldilocks! We've also started reading the Little Princess and just finished Tinkerbell. She loves the Little Princess book and has decided she wants to read more books by Frances Hodgsen. Oh, and guess what! She got a letter back from President Bush from the time she wrote to him in November. The war memorials really affected her when we went to see them in Washington DC and she had written to the president about stopping the war in Iraq. I never expected for her to get a reply, but one day in the mail was a letter for her in the mail from the White House. He wrote to her directly and also sent her a picture of himself and Mrs. Bush. I was impressed.

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